Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Sun Also Rises: Chapter XIX~ The End

I feel that the end of the story left the reader with the idea that Jake and Brett will get past whatever was stopping them before and form a closer relationship with eachother. Throughout the book, Mike's character has been a drunk and a person less than desirable as a husband. This foreshadowed that Brett would eventually leave him. Hemingway doesn't exactly pull the story together in a neat little bow. He allows the reader to analyze the information about the characters that they have learned throughout the book, and form a conclusion of their own. Hemingway gives the reader to end the story in whatever way which pleases them. I would like to think that Jake and Brett finally get together. Hemingway foreshadows this by putting both of their characters together at the end of the book.

1 comment:

  1. You would like to think they get together. The question is, does the text imply that?
