Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Sun Also Rises: XX~My Final Reaction

The book itself was okay, but I felt that their was really no plot to it. The characters traveled around Europe (a lot) drinking (a lot) and their was problems within their relationships, but I was expecting something a lot more intense to happen as the book came to a close. I did like that the book was very cultural and accurately expressed life in Spain as well as Paris. I liked how Hemingway included foreign words within the chapters to bring the reader into the book. Overall, I felt the book got a little boring and seemed to repeat the same actions and ideas over and over again. The Sun Also Rises did not keep my attention at times; however, some parts were interesting. Drinking was definitely a motif throughout the work, which got a little old. The book was alright, but the ending was a little disappointing.


  1. This is how I felt too. I liked the diction he used, but besides that the book was pretty predictable because the same thing kept happening over and over. I would lose focus some as well since this happened.

  2. what do you think that repetition says about the characters? I doubt it was just Hemingway running out of ideas.
