Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Kite Runner: Imagery

"I leaned against the gray stone gateway to the cemetery where Hassan had buried his mother. The old metal gates hanging off the hinges were gone, and the headstones were barely visible through the thick tangles of weeds that had claimed the plot. A pair of crows sat on the low wall that enclosed the cemetery (p.264)." Hosseini uses imagery to describe the scenery and setting throughout the novel. The imagery appeals to all of the senses through described scents, sight, and sounds. The imagery in the novel allows the reader to better experience the setting and the culture of Afghanistan. Because Hosseini's audience includes many who do not know the Afghan culture, it is important that he use great description that appeals to his audience. The imagery throughout the novel also informs the reader of the changes that take place. Throughout the beginning of the story, Kabul is an area thriving of color and life. However, towards the end of the novel Kabul is destroyed and transforms into a lifeless city full of violence and despair. Imagery allows the reader to understand the drastic changes throughout the novel.

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